Each share confers the right to vote and representation at Shareholder’s General Meetings, under legal and statutory conditions
A double voting right is established for fully paid-up shares that have been continuously held in registered form by the same holder for a minimum period of two (2) years. The calculation of this holding period does not take into account the duration of holding the Company’s shares prior to the date the Company’s shares were admitted to trading on Euronext Paris.
This double voting right may be exercised at any Shareholder’s General Meeting. The double voting right automatically ceases when the share is converted to bearer form or transferred in ownership.
In the event of a capital increase through the incorporation of reserves, profits, or issue premiums, in accordance with Article L. 22-10-46 of the Commercial Code, the double voting right is granted from their issuance to new shares allocated free of charge to a shareholder for old shares for which they already benefit from this right.
When shares are subject to usufruct, the voting right attached to these shares belongs to the usufructuaries in ordinary Shareholder’s General Meetings and to the bare owners in extraordinary Shareholder’s General Meetings.