Expert in refurbished used cars, the fundamental link to the ecological transition in the automotive industry.
Mobility will remain at the centre of people’s life. It is a key component of their freedom and lifestyle:
Our commitment to making car ownership more environmentally friendly includes integrating the circular economy at the core to our business model. We have pioneered the concept of refurbishing factory in Europe, by opening our first plant in 2014, to provide safe, reliable cars at an affordable price.
This commitment includes 2 key challenges:
_Fight against global warming
by reducing greenhouse gases
_Preserve natural resources
by promoting reuse and recycling thanks to our refurbished used cars
REDUCE greenhouse gases by lowering our carbon footprint
A carbon assessment carried out with Ecoact (Atos) in 2021 enabled us to get a precise measure of our overall carbon footprint for three categories, known as scopes(1).
Scope 1 covers direct emissions. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from electricity, heating and cooling etc. consumed. Together those scopes measured 5 089 tCO2e emissions in fiscal year 2020(2). This is equivalent to 77 kgCO2e per car sold.
Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain. These measured c.27 tCO2e per car sold in fiscal year 2020.
With these figures in hand, we’re working on reducing our carbon footprint on scopes 1 and 2 and will soon announce our action plan.
PRESERVE natural resources by promoting refurbished used cars
The refurbished vehicle is a positive answer to one of society’s current challenges: how to accelerate the transition to a more responsible way of producing and using the automobile?
As part of a circular economy, reconditioning brings consumption closer to ecology.
Our Life Cycle Analysis study carried out with Ecoact(3) in 2021, indicates that buying a refurbished used car is an efficient choice.
Let’s look at the numbers :
Refurbished cars have
less impact on mineral resource depletion compared to new vehicles.(3)
Refurbished used cars also generate 6% less photochemical pollution and 5% less air acidification than new cars(3). And the level of water eutrophication – which causes harmful algae – is decreased by 4% with reconditioned vehicles compared to new ones(3).
Another pillar in our environmental efforts is our commitment to recycling waste: 70% of all waste resulting from our refurbishment activities in 2020 was recycled or recovered(4).
(1) Greenhouse gas emissions are categorised into three groups or ‘Scopes’ by the most widely-used international accounting tool, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting company. Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain.
(2) Group excl. the UK. Scope 1,2,3 carbon footprint measured with CO2 consultancy Ecoact (Atos) via GHG protocol, with c.8% data uncertainty and considering c.100 000 km of average remaining useful car life
(3) Life Cycle Analysis conducted by Ecoact, currently under independent expert review
(4) In France